Thursday, September 22, 2011


Here are some front covers for one of my favorite action scores!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Captain America Score Art

My favorite superhero movie of the summer deserves some better art than the lazily assembled soundtrack cover. Here are a few variations:

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Casino Royale Trailer Music

Yes, it's been a while since James Bond's last cinematic outing, but since a lot of people are still looking for various versions of the "Casino Royale" trailer music (arranged by Pfeifer Bros. Production Music), I thought I'd post some here.

First up is the individual tracks released on Smirnoff Vodka's website during their recent remix contest. The files are presented as uncompressed WAV files - the individual stems and then a compiled version. Enjoy: Click Here To Download

Next is my own remix of the theme (shameless plug) and a version I made for YouTube that basically represents the Theatrical Trailer, but without music. Unfortunately, upon looking at the actual trailer - there are some elements that were obviously excluded from the remix contest. I have done my best to recreate these using Garageband™ and clips from the TWINE score. Enjoy: Click Here To Download

Friday, June 1, 2007

Spider-Man 3 : The Music

Last night I caught the entertaining, but ultimately dissappointing "Spider-Man 3" in theaters again. Yes, I was there opening night at midnight, but I had to see it again. This time I brought a pen and paper and made notes regarding the score.

While Chris Young wrote a great score, it's been given a similar treatment to Danny Elfman's from the previous film. - Needless to say, it's a mess. I got home, transcribed my list, and cross-checked with a recent tracklist of Deborah Lurie's contributions and the film's end credits.

Complete Motion Picture Score

Original Themes by Danny Elfman
Score Composed by Christopher Young
Additional Music by Deborah Lurie, Steve Bartek and John Debney

01. Main Titles
02. Opening Montage (It's Me / Engagement Ring*** / Broadway Marquee***)
03. "They Say It's Wonderful" (Written by Irving Berlin Performed by Kirsten Dunst)
04. Harry In The Balcony (Overlay)
05. Backstage*
06. Theater Transition** / Harry In Lab
07. Romantic Night* / Meteor
08. Flint Marko On The Run
09. Penny
10. Aunt May's Ring (Tracked with "Aunt May Packs" from Spider-Man 2)
11. Harry Attacks Peter
12. Massive Head-Wound Harry
13. Flint Marko In The Marshes
14. The Transformation
15. Peter Visits Harry (Tracked with "A Phone Call" from Spider-Man 2)
16. Birth of Sandman
17. Go Get 'Em Tiger?**
18. "Pleased To Meet You" (Performed by Wolfmother)
19. Crane Disaster
20. Spider Rescue / Gwen's New Hero
21. Harry Back Home (Tracked with "Alone" from Spider-Man 1)
22. Remembering Norman
23. "They Say It's Wonderful" Piano Version (Written by Irving Berlin)
24. Resenting Spiderman
25. "Mechanized Infantry" (Performed by Port Chester High School Marching Band)
26. Sandman in The Streets
27. “Spider-Man Drum Cadence” (Performed by Port Chester High School Marching Band)
28. Armored Car Chase / Sand in the Costume
29. Classical Piece (Constellation Source Music)
30. "They Say It's Wonderful" Violin Version (Written by Irving Berlin)
31. Peter's Phone Call*
32. Actual Killer
33. Transformation To Black Suited Spiderman
34. Analyzing The Symbiote
35. Following Sandman
36.Subway Fight
37. Something's Changed
38. Lonely MJ***
39. Classical Piece (Harry's House Source Music)
40. MJ and Harry (Tracked with something from "Spider-Man 1")
41. The Twist (Performed by Chubby Checker)
42. Harry Remembers
43. Goblin Grabs MJ
44. Rejected Proposal**
45. Pie Tastes Good / Costume Calling
46. Peter Attacks Harry
47. Spiderman's True Colors
48. Brock Exposed
49. "People Get Up & Drive Your Funky Soul" (Performed by James Brown)
50. Sandman Returns
51. "L-O-V-E" (Source)
52. "Fever" (Source)
53."Stormy Weather" (Source)
54. Who Are You? / Black Suited Spiderman Goes To Church
55. Cleansed
56. Talking With May (Tracked with "Alone" from Spider-Man 1)
57. Contrived Villain Team-Up
58. Peter at MJ's Window (Tracked with "Getting Through" from Spider-Man 1)
59. Hostage Crisis
60. Peter Asks Harry for Help*** / Bernard's Revelation
61. Showdown / The Sand Monster
62. Goblin Arrives**
63. Battle Royale / Hang On! / Peter Saves MJ*** / Goblin Vs. Sandman
64. Spiderman Vs. Venom
65. Sonic Demise / Sandman's Confession
66. Always A Choice
67. I'm Through With Love (Written by Matty Malneck, Gus Kahn & Jerry Livingston Performed by Kirsten Dunst)
68. Happy Ending*** / Love Theme Reprise***

Additional Music:
69. Web (Unused)
70. The New Goblin*** / Stargazing*** (Unused)
71. Aunt May's Ring*** (Unused)
72. Harry Attack's Peter (Alternate Ending)
73. Keys To The City*** (Unused)
74. Peter Leaves a Message*** (Unused)
75. Lonely MJ*** (Alternate Ending)
76. Peter at MJ's Window*** (Unused)
77. Death of A Friend*** (Unused)

* Music by Danny Elfman and John Debney.
** Music by Danny Elfman. Presumably Re-Orchestrated by Steve Bartek
*** Music By Danny Elfman. Orchestrated and Arranged by Deborah Lurie

A Few notes:

• Quite a few of Deborah Lurie's contributions in the film didn't seem to make it into the final cut. While most were tracked with music from earlier Spider-Man films, a few ("Peter Leaves a Message" "Peter at MJ's Window" "Death of a Friend") were replaced by another new cue. Who composed the final cue is beyond me, since I thought Lurie was brought in to replace a few of Chris Young's cues. Is it possible Young and Lurie both had their music rejected? Or did Raimi / Sony change their mind and go back to the original Chris Young cues?

• Young's first action cue ("Harry Attacks Peter") ended differently in the film than it did the track in the released on his website. On the website version, the Goblin's theme is played when Harry is barraged with his own bat projectiles. However, in the film - a heroic version of the Spiderman theme plays.

• Deborah Lurie references Elfman's rejected "Theater Montage" theme at the end of her cue "Broadway Marquee" (which makes up the 2nd half of "Opening Montage").

• "Aunt May's Ring", a beautiful track composed by Deborah Lurie was one of the many unused tracks by the composer. In the final film, it was tracked with "Aunt May Packs". Ironically, "Aunt May Packs" was dropped from "Spider-Man 2" in a similar fashion. It contains the noble "hero" theme that Elfman wrote for the second movie. The theme seems a little out of place here...

• I wasn't able to identify one cue listed in the end credits. "Peter's Turmoil" by John Debney. Ironically, that was a track title from "Spider-Man 2" by Danny Elfman.

• Classical music buffs will need to help me identify exactly which pieces were playing during the Constellation Restaurant scene and at Harry's House. The ones listed in the credits are: "Minuet from Symphony No. 39, K.543", "Minuet from A Little Notebook For Anna Magdalena Bach", "Lilliburlero" and "Piano Concerto No. 2 In C Minor, Op. 18, 2nd Movement"

So that's it. That's my take on Spider-Man 3. Let me know what you think, and thanks for visiting!